Home RCF contributes over 180,000 tonnes of vDCF soy in its second year Responsible Commodities Facility Publications RCF aligned to Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles Pedro Moura Costa joins Forest Trends Fellows Program RCF expansion supported by the SDG Impact Finance Initiative and Convergence About RCF wins Impact initiative of the year: Latin America and Caribbean RCF moves forward during COP26 SIM launches zero-deforestation soy initiative funded by green bonds SIMFlor – a new R$ 1 billion programme to promote the Brazilian Forest Code and enable the conservation of 500,000 ha of native vegetation in the Amazon Cerrado Programme 1 delivers its first 42,000 tonnes of verified DCF soy SIM Team Expanded Contact RCF named Structured Finance Deal of the Year RCF wins Green Bond Initiative of the Year RCF wins impact investment of the year award: agriculture and sustainable land use SIM proud to report that global carbon market player ecosecurities has secured investment by consortium headed by SK and Shinhan Services Sample Page RCF expanded with investment by Rabobank, Santander and AGRI3 Pop Up Cerrado Programme 1 [Old] Responsible Commodities Facility Eligibility Criteria Job Vacancy: Environmental Analyst